How To Install Powermta On Centos

PowerMTA is the world’s leading mail server, PowerMTA5.0 r6 is the current variation of PowerMTA, with much better efficiency, a single server can provide lots of countless mails daily, here I utilize PowerMTA5.0 r3 variation, the following explains setup actions

Preparation tools:

PMTA5.0 r6 setup plan
WinScp, Putty tools
Purchase an excellent domain
Vps Server With Port 25 Open.
Digitalocean 100$ Free Credit

Digital Ocean Coupon

. Vps Server
The 2nd thing you will require is a VPS server. a public server to set up & Setup SMTP.

In My Post i Am Using Digitalocean Vps Server.

Here is a list of some business:

Digital Ocean.
Host wind.
1. Software application Need
– Putty.

PuTTY is an open-source and totally free terminal emulator, serial console and network file transfer application.

2. Set up Process.
:- First Create a Vps Server.
Go to Digitalocean And Create A Droplet.
digitalocean Droplet.
2. Pick an image.

powermta centos.
3. Pick a strategy (i am utilizing $10 maker).

digitalocean Choose a strategy.
Enter Your Root Password:-.

root password centos.
4. Select a hostname.

In Hostname Put Your Domain Name.

digitalocean Choose a hostname.
5. Now Click Create bead. Couple of Minutes After You Receive a Email.

:- Install PowerMta Mail Server Using Putty.
Open Putty Software And Put Your Server Ip Address.
2. Now Login as Root User.

3. Vesta Control Panel Install:-.
# Connect to your server as root through SSHssh root@your.server.
# Download setup script curl -O
# Run it celebration vst-install. sh.
The setup is total.
VESTA panel.
4. Set up PowerMTA:-.
1. Submit the PMTA5.0 r1 setup plan Using Winscp Software.

powermta winscp.
2. Second, set up the PMTA5.6 mail system.

rpm -Uvh PowerMTA-5.0 r6.rpm.
set up powermta.
PowerMTA Installed Successfully. Now You Need Configure Some File.

Copy your license file to/ etc/pmta/ and you are done!

3. Set up config file:-.
Config file situated in/ etc/pmta/ directory site simply open it so we set up and modify.

You will discover a location where you can alter the IP address And Also Find a Place Where You Can Change Your domain Name.

powermta configDownload.
Now reboot PowerMTA service utilizing the following command:.

service pmta reboot.
Setup Is Complete.

4. Send Out a Test Email:-.
Hostname: Your Ip Server Ip Address/domain Name.
Username: Your in config file.
Password: Your password XXXXX from the area in config file.
Port: 25.

Go to SMTPER.NET and enter your server information as follows:.

SMTPER tester.
setup and setup PowerMTA Completed.

Set Up SPF, DKIM and DMARC:-.
Dkim (DomainKeys Identified Mail):–.

Run the following commands:.

1: openssl genrsa -out dkim.private.key 1024.
2: openssl rsa -in dkim.private.key -out dkim.public.key -pubout -outform PEM.
Now Open Dkim.public.key File and copy dkim code.

Dkim Format.

” v= DKIM1; k= rsa; p= Your Dkim Code”.
Now Open your DNS zone in and include the following record.

SPF (Sender Policy Framework):–.

To establish SPF. Open your DNS zone in and include the following record:.

v= spf1 a ip4: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ~ all.
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX = Replace with your server IP.

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance):–.

Open your DNS zone in and include the following record.

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